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Sunday, January 21, 2007
The Start of the Harry Potter Critiques
As promised--not that I'm sure anyone is even reading this blog--I'm about to start dissecting Harry Potter.

I read books 1-6 last month, and then started them again. To really understand a book, it's important to read it more than once. Normally, I allow more time to pass between reading—so as to enjoy the story "fresh" again, but in this case, I wanted to dissect theses novels, and so I started anew.

There is a divide between some Christians and Harry Potter. I, myself, waited years to read these books, despite my curiosity about them. It's difficult to bridge the mind of a Christian to a secular mind, but I shall attempt it.

The reason many Christians won't read this series of novels can stem from different roots. The strongest is that the Bible forbids God's children to have contact with witchcraft, and these books clearly have witchcraft in them.

Additionally, while not all Christians believe there really is such a thing as witchcraft, others believe that witchcraft is very real and its power fueled by spiritual forces who are God's enemy. So besides the fact the Bible forbids witchcraft, many Christians believe a person who reads these books are walking a dangerous line—one that threatens to entangle them with demonic forces.

The argument of "it's only a novel" to such a person as believes this, is like saying, "I can't understand why you won't allow your child to play a video jihad. I know the goal is for the game-player to enter synagogues and churches to blow up as many people as they can, but it's only a video game. Their response might be, "That may be so, but it's a very dangerous video game, one that myself and my children will have no part of."

Whether you agree or disagree with what I've written above, doesn't concern me. I'm not here to defend or argue points but rather to bridge the gap between mindsets.

I know that before I read Harry Potter, I bombarded Christian who had read the series with questions. Therefore, I shouldn't have been as surprised as I was, when I became bombarded with questions by Christian who learned I was reading the series.

For those who love books, it's difficult to know there's a worldwide phenomenon that they can take no part in. For writers, it's doubly so. There's a book that is making billions, that people love, and they want to know why.

So, as a writer I intend on dissecting these books and offer my opinion as to what makes them tick. As I've stated before, I can't separate the fact that I'm both a Christian and a writer, so I will also address my thoughts.

I thought it might be interesting to share an e-mail, a friend of mine sent me (before I'd read the books.)

In an upcoming post, I'll start with book one—Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
Jessica Dotta
  posted at 1:31 PM

At 1/21/2007 07:27:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey JEssica!
Just wanted you to know at least one person read this. I wish lots of others would. Wonder if they did a 'Potter' search on google, how far down this blog would be. I'll definitely have my son visiting--since he's the one who convinced me to read them.
I appreciated all your words of wisdom and look forward to reading your thoughts as you dissect.
I really wish we could get Gene Veith to read your thoughts.
Keep it up, girl!
You're the greatest!
God bless,
your dyersburg friend!:)

At 1/21/2007 08:18:00 PM, Blogger Jessica Dotta said...

Ha! The thought of Gene Veith reading my thoughts on Potter would scare me to death! Now there's a man who knows books!

At 1/26/2007 06:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well look who's finally blogging! WooHoo! I need to use a pen to dissect a book. That and some of those little sticky notes that look like arrows. ;)

Here's to ya, kid. Welcome to blogdom.

At 1/27/2007 04:52:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am ready for you to post again!!! Lizza

At 1/30/2007 12:40:00 PM, Blogger Elizabeth Ludwig said...

Hey Jess!! You're blogging now? Cool! Love the blogskin by the way.



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